Have been reading about Intel's likely demise and many opinions of how that happened. It was completely unthinkable when I went to college for example and the 8086 was the processor we cut our assembly language programming teeth on. Many of my peers dreamed of working at Intel and several went on to fulfill that dream. That was then and this is now - even Intel needed to have a moat and came a time when they did not have one anymore. I am sure a lot of books and case studies will be written on this subject that will dissect it all. These days the conversations around moats ( or the lack thereof ) tend to center around the rash of AI startups that are very reminiscent of the dotcom boom times where everyone and their grandmother had an idea for a something dotcom that went belly-up in the end. Particularly loved the cake, baking and oven analogy by this author to explain what is going on the in AI startup space In almost all cases, the solution to getting the desired output from th...
crossings as in traversals, contradictions, counterpoints of the heart though often not..