When in need of a little retail therapy, I usually go online and without my credit card. A favorite stop is Treehugger - not so much for what is on sale as for the intriguing new concepts in the making - some saleable, some not.
While my own kitchen is stark and minimal, I do gawk at kitchen contraptions that I have no intent of owning. Another place I like is Uncommon Goods which carries just that - uncommon goods.
A new discovery today was configurable jewelry using rare earth magnets. By when I am done, I am amazed at the very creative people who think this stuff up. Makes me wonder where get their inspiration from - how their view of the world is so different from someone like me, we could as well be living in different planets.
While my own kitchen is stark and minimal, I do gawk at kitchen contraptions that I have no intent of owning. Another place I like is Uncommon Goods which carries just that - uncommon goods.
A new discovery today was configurable jewelry using rare earth magnets. By when I am done, I am amazed at the very creative people who think this stuff up. Makes me wonder where get their inspiration from - how their view of the world is so different from someone like me, we could as well be living in different planets.