Last evening J watched Super Size Me along with me. Except for a couple of four letter words there was not much else that I had to worry about for her. I figured it would be a good lesson for her on the perils on eating fast food.
She was very impressed by the scene where two doctors perform a gastric bypass surgery on man. When I was her age, something like that would have made given me cold sweat and I would have had nightmares. But J apparently is made of sterner stuff. She watched without batting an eyelid and slept like a log.
This morning J asked me write on a piece of paper "I am going to eat McDonalds for 30 days" and "Super Size Me" below that. Soon after, a surrealistic drawing appeared below it. It depicts a woman who ate at Burger King for 100 days, a man who ate at McDonalds for 1000. The way to tell the two apart was of course the size of the tummy relative to number of days of binging and the big hoop earrings on the woman. They look totally blissed out with their big smiley faces and hair standing out "like the sun". Not sure where J was going with that.
Further afield, a square with an M on top represented McDonalds and there was a similar depiction of Burger King in B. Servers and customers at the two stores were represented by circles positioned front and rear appropriately.
An interesting touch was a box connecting the two stores where a stick figure lay prone with her intestines being pulled out by a couple of doctors. Apparently that procedure would fix the tummy bulge and make them stop going to either M or B. I am assuming J prefers her intestines stayed in and will not be asking to be taken to McD anytime soon.
At a prominent spot at the bottom of the drawing was something that looked like an EKG. J says that shows what's inside the heads of the man and the woman. I wish Morgan Spurlock had made a similar documentary on his post McBinge detoxification diet and its salubrious effects on his body and soul. I am sure it would impress J a whole lot more than my daily hectoring on the subject.
I never fail to remind J that there is a time and place for everything. It is possibly the line she will remember me by when I am dead and gone given how frequently she hears it. Instead of having her breakfast she will break into a song and dance number from High School Musical well past eight on Monday morning. She will insist that I watch and applaud the performance instead of screaming at her to finish her milk and cereal. Her sense of occasion is seriously lacking but then so is mine. Consider for example, a person walks into the grocery store with the express purpose of buying detergent because they are fresh out of it and laundry is only half way done. However instead of heading straight for detergent, they wander over to the natural foods aisle and go berserk upon finding goat milk on sale for a dollar a gallon. They at once proceed to stock pile so they can turn it to huge quantities home-made feta cheese. That person would be me. It would not concern me in the least that I ha...