I have to admit the title How to be a Geek Goddess by Christina Tynan-Wood had me a little apprehensive. I did not want to be advised against using the CD drive as a cup-holder, the futility of finding the "any" button on a keyboard or a step by step guide to using teh internets. While there is a bit of cuteness going on in the book every now and again, overall it is an useful addition to the book shelf of those who approach technology with some trepidation.
The idea of a book on technology geared towards women is a nice one. Women do have a different slant on technology and their relationship to it ; rarely do books speak to them in a tone of voice they can comfortably relate to. Geek Goddess tries to fill this void. Being a mom, I liked the chapter which focuses on how to keep kids out of harms way - there is a lot of good information and commonsense advise.
Hyperlinks are scattered throughout the book as reference to websites on the subject at hand. While useful, that information can naturally become obsolete quickly. It is one thing to become a Geek Goddess and quite another to remain one. Tynan-Wood should definitely consider one or more sequels to keep the freshly minted Geek Goddesses up to speed on technology that changes very rapidly. My one peeve about the book is the font and content layout which made for difficult reading.