I have no idea who Imogen Heap is but she is definitely with the program as far as her Twitter-savvy. A Twitdress that streams tweets in real-time to her dress."images tweeted with the hashtag #twitdress supposedly appeared in real-time on a small screen she was wearing." Having then displayed on the dress itself would have wowed people a lot more but Heap deserves kudos just for the concept.
The Mobile Behavior article says "Not only is this an instance of the "Internet of Things" i.e. connecting an object to the web, it's a great example of portable technology being used to connect people and share experiences in real-time." This is the kind of technology that makes room for those who are creative and artistic though not necessarily geeks - creating fertile ground for unusual ideas to germinate and thrive.
In the past, it was not nearly as simple to be creative and a geek at the same time. The opportunities to bring the two inherently different faculties of the mind together in meaningful did not exist. The niche art forms of geeks did to translate over so well with the rest of the population. With technology getting more widely dispersed and adopted across the population, these niches can grow to genres that can hold their own among well established art-forms.
In the past, it was not nearly as simple to be creative and a geek at the same time. The opportunities to bring the two inherently different faculties of the mind together in meaningful did not exist. The niche art forms of geeks did to translate over so well with the rest of the population. With technology getting more widely dispersed and adopted across the population, these niches can grow to genres that can hold their own among well established art-forms.