As you grow older and have more years of experience than you care to include in your resume, you struggle to find new things to learn in your line of work. I spend a few minutes every morning scanning my LinkedIn feed to see what my peers are talking about, what is going on in groups that I belong to and so forth. Increasingly, I find that people trot out things as if they were completely new, unique and path-breaking when in fact none of that is true. Once they do that, the community blindly promotes their story amplifying that mythology until it becomes an "alternative fact". Case in point is one of the posts I read today. The author purported to explain the spectacular success of using AI at Snapdeal citing an use case about extracting color palette from an image. The keyword stuffing in the piece was a bit out of control- deep learning architectures and what not. Needless to say, this has been done for a long time and there is absolutely nothing new here. This is l...
crossings as in traversals, contradictions, counterpoints of the heart though often not..