Fun article about Bonobo mothers and sons. This is a lot like an arranged marriage aimed at producing grand-kids with desirable attributes. It is not clear how the interruption prevention is achieved by the Bonobo moms and its interesting that the boy's mother is in the driver's seat much like a lot their human counterparts.
Wonder why the mothers of female Bonobos are not out there scouting suitable boys and making sure they stay with their daughters. The desire for cute grand babies should be equally strong for all females of a certain age. If researchers could figure out why the mother's of daughters were taking on a passive role in Bonobo society, maybe there would be something for us humans to learn from it as well.
Wonder why the mothers of female Bonobos are not out there scouting suitable boys and making sure they stay with their daughters. The desire for cute grand babies should be equally strong for all females of a certain age. If researchers could figure out why the mother's of daughters were taking on a passive role in Bonobo society, maybe there would be something for us humans to learn from it as well.