Love this story about common-sense innovation from India. Specially love the fact that the product in question does not need life-support by association with words like blockchain, Machine Learning and AI. No cloud deployment needed either. It is simple and honest - has one job to do and presumably does it well.
It is great to see young people bringing their passion and energy to bear on their high quality education to solve real problems in the world. Having abandoned core engineering right out of college and moved into a world where it is all too easy to over-state impact, I have a lot of respect for those who stay in their field of study and give back to the world.
It is great to see young people bringing their passion and energy to bear on their high quality education to solve real problems in the world. Having abandoned core engineering right out of college and moved into a world where it is all too easy to over-state impact, I have a lot of respect for those who stay in their field of study and give back to the world.