Sobering read about how we will be in our current state for several years. Unfortunately, people have decided they've had enough and need to get on with their lives. In my social circle, people are traveling nationally and internationally, specially now that it is summer and they are getting good deals on their vacations. They are being vigilant, wearing masks, sanitizing and all. One of these couples was over to our place for dinner recently. We social distanced the best we could but having a conversation while wearing masks is not realistic. J and her friends from high school are meeting sometimes in large park where it is easy to stay apart and still have a conversation. I was hesitant both times - having our friends over for dinner or the idea of J going out to see her friends. Clearly, there was risk in both situations and a choice of us to make.
Yet, both events happened and mentally everyone felt better after seeing each other. We have missed social contact and no about of FaceTime can make up for it. For the days after each event, I was jumpy and feared the worst over every sneeze and cough anyone of us had. What if this had been a big mistake and we would pay for it. Was seeing our friends after months worth us getting sick. People I know are gradually coming around to a common operating model. They try to stay as safe as they can, do what they can not to get sick and meet others who are likewise being responsible so that way no one endangers each other. Only time will tell if any of this works but I do know I would not risk coming around my elderly parents.