Spoke to my friend A after several months today. She retired last year after dreaming about that day for a good decade. I have known her a little longer than that but there was never a time when A was not thinking about wrapping up her work life and planning for the years beyond that. She has found a place she loves and is living the dream. A raised several young siblings, grew up poor, motherless and tying to escape the wrath of a mercurial, alcoholic father. That combination seems to have killed her desire for family and motherhood. Always perfectly happy to be single, it seems like A enjoys it even more as she grows older.
Contrary to the prognostications of her married peers who by now have grandkids, she does not regret her choices and is old enough to know pushing seventy. Talking to A is always energizing for me - she shared pictures of her home that is not fully decorated yet. Each room has its unique touches and all culled from her experience-rich life. She pours her energy in to her living space making it a thing of perfection. Such amazing and undiminished joie de vivre. As always she reminded me that the best life is on the other side of retirement. It definitely is for her and I know for certain it won't be for me. I can understand A in a conceptual way but cannot relate to it at all.