On the weekends, we often walk by the river with marshes along it meandering course. Depending on time of day, it's possible to see a good number of birds. Anytime I see a birder with their binoculars, I pause as a safe distance away from them and try to see what they are seeing. Most often there is nothing to see because the bird in question maybe well hidden and far away. But in the marshes then they land or take off in unison, it does not take an expert to enjoy the sight.
Reading about BirdCast was interesting. I did not know that these migrations happened in the dark. Maybe in subsequent versions of this tool, it would be possible to see when these migrating birds land in water-bodies nearby. Having empathy for birds can make people happier and the world a better place. I don't know about research but every birder I have ever on my walks looks like a peaceful, happy person. They would not be the kind to stir up drama.
The researchers surveyed 3,546 people (largely bird-watchers) to evaluate how their willingness to engage in climate-friendly actions might be affected by how the problem of climate change is described to them..
.. Invoking a threat to humans led to no significant impact on the respondents’ willingness to reduce their carbon footprint—while invoking a threat to birds led to the most significant change of all.