Silly news like this about a farmer moving the border of his country on accident is what I needed to catch a break from things. The variety of response to the Gates divorce is somewhat amusing too - there is a lot of concern around the fate of their philanthropic efforts. Its like they owe staying married no matter the personal cost for the greater good of the world. Something is deeply flawed about that logic and is not unlike the expectations from a desi couple in an arranged marriage. They are made to feel like they owe scenes from a happy marriage to the families and communities that celebrated their union.
Two people grew older and further apart over time and felt it was time to move on - happens all the time. Once kids are grown up and gone, the strength of the marriage is fully tested freed from joint obligations. For regular people that could mean the luxury to pursue long cherished dreams, change careers, take risks that were not possible until then. The aspirations each side has for the rest of their lives could vary and if they had grown apart over the child-rearing years and simply not noticed because they were so focused and united in their common goal, it would become evident now.
With all that being said, some older couples decide they may be happier parting ways for the rest of journey. The Gates marriage like that of ordinary couples splitting after 25-30 years together could have been a good one for a long time until it ran out of steam. If a marriage is not in good health and chances of recovery are slim to none, there is a great wisdom in wrapping it up while the friendship is still strong. That ensures, people don't hurt each other needlessly, the world around is an indirect beneficiary of such undramatic uncoupling.
On another note, its worth asking why they extracted so much money from the system that world has to now be beholden to their charitable instincts. Like my friend S says its like hacking off a person's legs and then being so kind as to buy them a wheel-chair and push them for a photo-op. That was her summary of the "philanthropic" efforts of the Gates couple.