My handwriting has grown progressively worse over time. A few years ago, I started taking notes at work using a fountain pen but the results were underwhelming. It helped me recall the discussions much better but the writing was still appalling. For a month now, I have started to copy a poem a day from my copy of Coleman Bark's Essential Rumi. The first time, I just copy the words down and don't focus too much on the quality. The next iteration, I focus on consistency and not taking lazy short cuts with my cursive. The third and last iteration, I try to see if I can get any improvement over my previous days efforts.
It is too early yet to judge if my home-grown method of trying to improve my handwriting is yielding results. But I believe this is a step in the right direction for a few other reasons. I makes me take a break from all kinds distraction, sit upright at a desk and put pen to paper and most importantly read and ponder the magical words of Rumi. All of that might have the desired effect on improving whatever the underlying reasons for my writing to be as bad as it is. After a few days, I started to look forward to this quiet time at the end of my workday to write down lines from a Rumi poem and repeat that a few times until the words start to settle in my skin and bones. That is a great feeling.