After watching the Minus promo video, I had to sign-up to see what the experience felt like. Would I be inclined to post at all or just join conversations that are happening there. What kind of crowd would such a platform gather, what might they want out of it beyond participating in an interesting experiment. Once I was in and started to read other posts, my first thought was frugality - if I had only 100 chances to say something useful, I need to think each on through. This was not the place to keep my writing muscle active like my blog is. There is not part of my life that allows writing with no end in mind, for writing without pre-defined structure or tenets. So the blog is my scratch pad to write and move on. If some thought crossed my mind, a place to keep notes. Frugality is not the driver here.
At Minus I would assume as the older joiners get zeroed out, they would be able to influence the overall shape of the conversations by replying to what newer joiners are writing. The more well thought out the posts, the greater their staying power to stimulate conversations. It would be great to have subject matter experts post about the top hundred things that get them excited in their area of expertise - which should be a plenty of great content and cover a lot of useful ground. Then the conversations would follow and enrich the community. Love the concept and am curious to see how this morphs over time.