This story about statisticians doing pretty shady things reads like its waiting to be made into a movie. It begins with some rating evaluation data being selectively excluded:
What began as an investigation into shady evaluations forms has grown into a major affair by the spring of 2020, with a divide running right through the Mathematical Institute as a result. The statistics team has lost all trust in the management team and the relationships within the institute have been so strained that the faculty feels obliged to appoint a mediator to bridge the gap between different employees.
And it spirals from there to the self-destruction of a reputable institution:
According to emeritus professor Richard Gill, it is an ‘eternal shame that such a good statistics team, one of the best in Europe, has now completely fallen apart. I don’t think people realise the damage this has caused to the reputation of the university both at home and abroad.’
Worth reading in its entirety for those who enjoy murder mysteries and the like. Riveting stuff.