Did not know the phrase civil inattention until reading this abstract and it lead me to learning a bit more about the topic. Being tactfully inattentive is a related concept:
With the phrase “tactful inattention,” Goffman captured the socially salutary response to the undue access to someone’s backstage; it is a sort of averting one’s eyes, as one might do, for instance, in a locker room or a gym. Information may be available to you, but you should not scrutinize it or use it to your own advantage
The idea is very relevant to data privacy - a topic that is close to my heart for personal and professional reasons, the authors of the paper say:
..we would benefit if we would protect privacy by sometimes requiring tactful inattention by potential users rather than total secrecy by the target. That is, some legal privacy protections should stop emphasizing secrecy and instead emphasize the appropriate uses of personally identifiable and often sensitive information by gelling tactful inattention into legal standards
While that sounds like a sensible approach, "gelling tactful inattention into legal standards" sounds complicated enough and the next step from there would be to operationalize such "gelling" at scale using technology. The paper was a great read and gave me much to think about.