Cool idea for converting those old phones languishing around into portable security cameras. Its so obvious, I can't imagine why it never occurred to me. We also have some pretty ancient tablets sitting around that no one wants to discard for old time's sake and yet it serves no purpose other than gathering dust.
Think about it: Cellphones have decent cameras. They connect to the internet. They can work for hours without being plugged in. Real cameras cost money. It’s a techno-match made in cheapskate heaven. And lest you think it’s complicated to teach an old phone new tricks, the method I’m going to share with you is about as simple as logging into an app.
If the set-up is meant to be permanent, then the camera would need to be plugged in at all times. Wonder what it does to the battery over time specially that these things are old and the battery is worn out already. Other than that it's a pretty neat idea.