Loved reading this writer's perspective on fiction and non-fiction writing. What she does as a professional, I have been doing for a bit as a amateur. Not quite 80 yet but there are days when I feel like my soul could be that old. Like Thomas, I rustle through memories, some scraps more vivid than others and there is also stopping along the present journey to see what is interesting
I never know if what I’m writing will add up to anything but I’m always curious to see where my mind goes when it’s off-leash. What does it stop to inspect, what does it return to? What the hell am I doing? What are all these memories doing in here? Then there’s a physical rush, like falling in love, when what I’m doing begins to reveal itself. I had my 80th birthday in 2021. What am I up to? I’m an old woman picking up the pieces of her day, wondering where they might lead, loving the journey.
I have yet to experience the "physical rush, like falling in love, when what I’m doing begins to reveal itself". That is what it probably takes to make the transition from being a hobbyist to a professional.