I have to say I was familiar with most of the words on this list that people in my age bracket are not supposed to know. This list caught my eye because I have been thinking about how the way I speak Bengali (my native language) in a way that sounds dated even when compared to my parents who live in Kolkata. The culture and language moved on without me and I am hanging onto a relic no one recognizes anymore. The why and how of language evolution is a complex topic but it's interesting to observe the effects of being left behind.
In the workplace, I see this manifesting itself as new set of buzzwords and catch-phrases that replace the old ones. You hear a client use a turn of phrase and store it in your repository and a curiosity. Then in months to follow you hear and read it many other times from different sources. Now that phrase rises up to common parlance in business and you start to use it. Before long it becomes part of everyday vocabulary. If for instance a person were to take a a decade long break form work to pursue their passions or raise a family, upon their return to work they would struggle with the language just as I do with Bengali with my peers.