In his book The Drunkard's Walk, the author Lenard Mlodinow says this of this own existence:
It struck me then that I have Hitler to thank for my existence, for the Germans had killed my father’s wife and two young children, erasing his prior life. And so were it not for the war, my father would never have emigrated to New York, never have met my mother, also a refugee, and never have produced me and my two brothers.
While few would share his origin story but the birth of a human comes as the culmination of a string of random events. Along the line of forbears on both sides, people met and mated by random chance to produce progeny would in turn act just as randomly - so it has been from the beginning of times, The fact of any one's existence is as random as anything can be.
Blessing with a beginning however random its nature, at some point we begin to have some ability to make choices. I for one am always amazed at people to share that they have three or more compelling offers (such as a job) to choose from and will take a month off to mull it over and make a decision. I have been on the job market many times over the years and it's never been the case that I had more than one road open in the end.
When the one that would prevail in the end would emerge all other opportunities just died off. The choice was always made for me. If I decided it was not the right time for change, I could certainly sit it out but there were no further options from there. I can't tell then if what ever has happened along the way for me in terms of "career" was by choice of many random acts.