I was reading this news about Twitter just a few days before a friend called with some strange news from her workplace. A person she had been working with on a project had suddenly gone dark. She was deactivated on Slack but email still worked and she declined her meetings. Her boss showed up to one my friend P's meetings with this woman. The guy seemed very confused and was clearly not ready for whatever had happened.
The official word was that she would be gone for a while and folks were to come to him directly going forward. It was unclear who else was in the know but no one said anything about this person vaporizing into thin air - here she was in the morning and by afternoon she had disappeared. P was clearly stressed and needed to share the news with someone. We did not know what to make of the event but it was definitely strange and unexplainable business.
We live is very strange and unpredictable times. The future is always hard to peer into but there are stretches of calm when even the less prescient among us can see a bit further. These days the situation is evolving for most people. How exactly you hunker down in such times is a bit hard to fathom.