Reading this story about the best side hustles these days made me think about what the demand for such jobs tells us about what is going on in our homes and communities. If family assistant tops the list, it seems like many among us have yet to achieve work-life balance nirvana, we are not all working from home and even if are, we have too much to juggle and need help.
“family assistant,” which usually involves some combination of cooking, cleaning, childcare, running errands, coordinating schedules and handling other household administrative tasks. Though many family assistants live with their employers and work full-time, part-time positions are available.
That sounds like having outsourced most of what it takes to be a family that lives in together in a home. The fact that craftsmen are next most popular, seems to indicate that even after outsourcing most of the mundane work for home and family building to an outsider, folks need help with bigger projects even if they might be creative or rewarding. We don't have time to do dull, monotonous stuff everyday and we don't have time to work on longer more demanding projects. We spend our time and effort earning money to pay for others to operate the life we want to live but really can't