After I discovered this web-site, I can't wait to give someone a card that will turn into flowers. Such a beautiful idea but not a novel one as it turns out. You can have your cards turn into herbs and vegetables too. The core product is seed paper. I read this right after attending a musical performance where my both kids of my friend T were participating. This was their first time on a big stage and I wanted to share in their mother's excitement.
It was a great time for everyone - the kids have known me for years and it was fun to see them in their new avatar. The evening was perfect but like all such things fade out quickly, It made me think about how one might capture memories more durably - a thought that crosses my mind more often these days. The pace of my life is a lot slower than that of people just starting out in their lives. Age and life experience make it possible for me to see the perfection in a moment that a younger person would never notice - their life is crowded with moments of intensity to parse out what what will truly stand the test of time.