I was shopping online for some clothes and noticed how many of the models in the pictures were clearly AI generated. That did not make any significant difference to my shopping experience. Ultimately, human or not, the fit of the item will never be a given until I try it on. There is a threat to the modeling business due to AI. As always there are two sides to the story. The impact to the human models is negative
..we human models have worked really hard to have our stories heard and our authentic experiences considered, and we’ve fought to change the perception that we are just a sample size or a prop for clothes. We’ve mobilized in groups, such as the Model Mafia network that I am a part of, to advocate for social issues and push back on exclusivity in the fashion industry. In some cases our activism has even cost us jobs. But now that we are finally starting to see changes in the industry, digital models can just land the jobs that we took risks for. Or worse, brands can just create CGIs that champion causes instead of actually having to invest in those causes themselves.
On the other hand, all those young women pursuing an impossible ideal of beauty and suffering from body image issues might have a positive outcome. If the vast majority if not all models are AI generated, it is likely that women will not view that look as a ideal to aspire for. By being completely and verifiably unreal, it becomes unworthy of competition. Maybe women will learn to love how they look, their uniqueness complete with flaws and blemishes.