Totally loved reading this lover's ode to Pittsburgh a city I have a special bond with. It was a short, sweet and tumultuous relationship but looking back I see overwhelmingly positive memories. Having returned for work there a few times since I left, it was never enough time to experience all of what I hold dear in my memory. I have never been able to find my way back to the specific Polish deli in the Strip District (or maybe it was another place) where I often went with my co-workers. I forgot its name long before my first return to Pittsburgh and imagined, I would recognize when I saw it. But the scenery had changed beyond recognition and maybe the way my eyes saw things.
Reading this poem brought to mind an image of waiting to meet a beloved one at Point State Park with the Monongahela in spate, perhaps braving a pouring rain while waiting for the familiar form and gait to emerge and watch them walk over exuberantly in your direction. For a minute, the rain would cease and the sun peek from within the clouds making for a perfect reunion. As that picture crossed my mind, it almost did not matter who the two were, it was just beauty of that moment and reconnecting in Pittsburgh that mattered. For many, that was the town where the most significant stories of their lives began and no other place can quite compare in significance.