I bought a sachet of Foxglove seeds to plant in the yard recently and noticed more than the usual level of caution on eating the seeds. It got me curious about the flower itself and why the seeds posed such concern. I was not familiar with the flower but think I have seen it growing in other people's yards based on the pictures on the sachet.
The plant is toxic, but planting it in the garden may grant your house protection. It is also said to attract fairies and according to legend, the white spots inside each bell are marks left by fairies. But don’t pick the foxglove and bring it inside, as it’ll annoy the fairies. This made it an unlucky plant to have indoors, though Margaret Baker also notes it was unlucky to have on board ship
It would be one thing if the flowers were only associated with magic and mystery - they are are poisonous all over and also considered invasive in America. You have to wonder why something like this would be sold in the garden section of your local store. You would assume they would know better but apparently not. Based on everything I have read (which I am glad that I did), its likely I won't plant them at all. On the one hand the county runs free programs to help to assess what invasive species you have in your yard that they would recommend you remove and on the other, the local stores are selling seeds and plants that should never make their way into people's yards around here.