What is true about workers and the workplace is only an extension of what people value in life - the expectation of respect
..the study found that over half (54 percent) of employees claimed that they don't regularly get respect from their leaders, suggesting less engagement, more turnover, and less focus and productivity at work -- all costly factors stemming from disrespectful behaviors.
I have had plenty of inept managers who have no emotional intelligence to speak of. They should have never become people managers yet they were in those roles to the great detriment of those who they managed. The lack of respect is always the hallmark of this kind of leader. No surprise the team has no cohesion and the turnover is high and contagious.
One manager I had constantly glanced at his smart watch during our 1:1s tuning out of whatever we were talking about and acting bored. He clearly did not want to go through this torturous thirty minute ritual every week. He showed up late and left early. It was not clear to me if he reserved this behavior only for me or it was his management style. Either way there was no excuse for it. I have learned not to expect any better particularly in organizations where disrespect in the cultural norm.