I can relate to one of the blockers to de-cluttering - avoidance of some stuff from the past that triggers bad and painful memories but buried in that pile somewhere are morsels of good that I do want to hold on to.
The effort it takes to sift through the whole thing and discard what causes pain is feels like a pointless undertaking - wasted time for very little value. My symptoms of the problem are a bit different from what the article describes but there is avoidance at the root to push the problem to another day and in the meanwhile pretend the problem does not exist
Lettings things pile up, like unopened mail, unfixed paperwork, unfinished projects, and unreturned items, can cause an insurmountable amount of anxiety. "I say this to you now: It will not take care of itself. And you are undermining your self-confidence with every day that goes by and you don't act," the author writes.
I do not have any of these things " unopened mail, unfixed paperwork, unfinished projects, and unreturned items" in that avoidance pile and yet it is a pile that should be dealt with if I want to improve my life and sense of well-being. All avoidance does not look alike I guess.