I was looking for a card to give a friend who has lined up a new job and a bit nervous about starting there. We talked about the dreariness of what she did even if it offered stability and good income. She was not learning and growing at all. She is ten years into her career but one of those people who have the youthful energy of someone who graduated college last week. I was excited for her when I learned about the new opportunity and believe after the initial jitters subside, she will in fact enjoy the work. This card felt so right for the person and the occasion, like it was made expressly for her. I wondered if it spoke to me as well in a sense.
Not quite in the same place or time as her as far as work goes. But is it true that I don't see incentives at work (generally) being aligned with thinking, innovating and be yourself. The people who thrive in the average workplace are masters at deflecting blame and responsibility around most efficiently. The trick is not to saddle one hapless individual with all your failures and have them take the fall - that is not smart or creative enough. The real mastery is to apportion the blame in a way that you come out squeaky clean and shiny and get other people to own your problem in inverse proportion to the power and clout that they wield. I have been around masters of the game so do know how it is done, if done well and right. The person who I had it mind when I saw this card was no master and not even in the ballpark.