It seems like lot of people discovered the joys of being introverted and solitary during the pandemic. Once they could not have the "air" of social contact they thought they needed to breathe and live, maybe they learned it was not air at all - that in fact they had sufficient inner resources to be solitary and not lonely. For someone who has never experienced it, this discovery of self-sufficiency can be deeply empowering, even lifechanging. Workplaces changed in different ways - unevenly based on their ability to adapt. The workplace chatter has become more devoid of life and meaning than before. People want to have serendipitous connections which is the best thing a workplace can offer but commuting insanely to make that happen by the watercooler is not appealing.
That makes sense given the tradeoffs for most people. Missing of time with kids, being able to be there for family when it counts in hopes of some random connection at work that may in theory lead to great outcomes. Coffee Roulette and other solutions like that are a much smarter option. I met my friend S through such a roulette. It was good match-making. S and I hit off, learned we have a lot in common and could help each other navigate through challenges that could be unique to women of our age. There is no way I would have met her at any water cooler given how far apart our jobs are and where it requires us to be. Yet, this was a very worthwhile and useful connection.