Watching multiple TV screens on mute can be interesting and one that I rarely have. This one happened at the gym with Formula 1 and Kentucky Derby featured side by side and a home improvement show in the screen next to these two. I tried to focus on the races for a bit comparing the racing cars to the racing horses and why one might be more popular with spectators than the other. It seemed at a certain level of mastery and perfection, it becomes harder to tell one apart from the other - human controlling a machine versus a sentient creature. When a super-novice rider like me rides a horse, the experience is riddled with flaws produced by the rider's lack of experience. The horse merely mirrors the rider level of comfort and confidence.
So in a field of novice riders and their horses, perfection is never achieved. We look like two disjointed entities - horse and human trying to get to know and understand each other to have a pleasant experience. Neither human or horse achieve their expressive best. And so in the case with the average person driving a car - they are getting the job done and but there is no spectacle for anyone to marvel at. When the mastery gets to the point of there being something for the world to see and admire, perfection is super-human. I could go back and forth between horse and car and almost forget there was a person involved in both - the mastery had rendered them invisible. Its only when the raced ended and the driver walked out or when the horse was walked back to the pen that the humans came into view again.