Read this news a few days after a couple of my British co-workers joked that they had AI running their government so it does not matter who runs for office or who wins. They advised us not to worry about elections in America either. AI would sort it all out. I thought they were just being cynical about things but turns out there is some truth to that statement about what's going on in their country.
Though the concept of an AI politician may seem silly to some and disturbing to others, Endacott said he wants to make clear that his platform is “not a joke.” He rejects the premise that the AI is replacing a human politician — instead insisting that the aim is to bring “more humans” into politics.
“It’s not AI taking over the world. It’s AI being used as a technical way of connecting to our constituents and reinventing democracy by saying, ‘You don’t just vote for somebody every four years; you actually control the vote on an ongoing basis,’” he said. “Which is very, very radical in the U.K. Probably even more radical in America.”
Maybe there is a use for AI in making the voter better informed about the issues that concern them and understand the position and voting records of the candidates that are on the ballot. There is a lot of detail that gets buried and lost over time. Also, people don't always have the time or interest to do proper diligence on the candidates, even if the information were readily available. AI could then reinvigorate democracy as this politician claims is his intention with AI Steve.