Read this article about NaNoWriMo's position on the use of AI by aspiring writers and was quite baffled. I was not able to find the original source where the organization officially put out the statement but many have picked up on it.
So assuming the attribution of this bizarre line of reasoning by NaNoWriMo is factual, it is not unlike me saying that I may not have the physical talent and ability of an Olympic swimmer but I still put forth some effort and learned to swim pretty late in life. Now, those minor deficiencies should not stand in the way of my dream of finishing ahead of Katie Ladeky. For powers that be, to deny me the right to fulfill my dream is them being classist and ableist.
Let's say, my position is that notwithstanding the lack of aforementioned natural gifts, if I had been afforded the opportunity to swim and train from an early age, who knows what I might have been. As such, I need to have a chance and its only fair that I be allowed to outfit myself with a few propeller devices when competing against Ladeky. All bodies are not equal but that should not prevent one such as myself from fulfilling the Olympic dream.
Not all brains have [sic] same abilities and not all writers function at the same level of education or proficiency in the language in which they are writing,” the organizers write in the “Ableism” section. “Some brains and ability levels require outside help or accommodations to achieve certain goals
No one should prevent a wannabe with delusions of grandeur their right to claim a spot next to Doris Lessing. They can use AI as their propeller device and see if that makes up for what is missing in the brains. This is getting to be very strange world that we live in these days.