Interesting that a grocery store bill could be a proxy for credit scores. The bill is a reflection of who the person is when no one is looking and probably why such a strong predictor
We found that people with more consistent grocery shopping habits are more likely to pay their credit card bills on time. These are people who tend to shop on the same day of the week, spend about the same amount each month, buy similar items across trips and take advantage of deals regularly.
We also found that what people buy predicts how they manage their finances. For example, shoppers who frequently purchase cigarettes or energy drinks are more likely to miss credit card payments. Those who often buy fresh milk or salad dressing tend to be more diligent about paying their bills.
In general, buying healthier but less convenient food predicted responsible payment behaviors. This was true even when we held consumer characteristics such as income, occupation, credit score and family size constant.
Consistent grocery store trips are indicative of stability and steady habits - likely supported by consistent income and predictable expenses. Eating healthy is a sign that the person cares about their health and well-being - a bit higher in Maslow's pyramid.