Watched The Holdovers recently and loved it. There are plenty of details in the story that the viewer could mull over - a lot like looking a crystalline object in light holding up a different facet each time, there is something new and different there.
For me at least at the time I watched it, the big theme was about how each person is defined by their backstory and things are rarely what they seem to be. You get off to a rough start with someone and you struggle to understand what you did wrong and more importantly what you could have done differently. Often you come up short on both questions. The other side that had an instantaneous allergic reaction to you could also be left wondering what about you triggered such a visceral response. They might not know either.
Given time together with no one else around, as happens to the main characters in this movie, there could be understanding and resolution. You might find that you have a lot more in common than you imagined and notwithstanding that unpleasant start, you could add a lot of value to each other's lives. It made me think of the few times in my life there were small moments of clarity with another person and we came away feeling as if a weight had been lifted. But that is one of the many things a person could take away from the movie about three desolate people helping each other cope.