Bittersweet story about an IVF mix-up and though the resolution is fair it does not leave everyone whole or satisfied.
..Daphna reflected on how complicated her feelings about May still were. There was guilt that she gave May up, but also another sort of guilt — the knowledge that although she still loved May, she had had to change the shape of that love into something new, for everyone’s sake. “I don’t know how to let her back into my heart the same way,” Daphna told me. She and the other parents all tried to normalize what happened, cheerfully answering questions about who started out in whose belly and why, but they knew that as the children got older, they would have more troubling questions — questions about chance and choice and sacrifice and compromise. The parents might not have the answers to those questions; they would simply say that they did the best they could.
Carrying the baby in the womb is an act of motherhood and the bond is likely unassailable no matter the facts of the baby's DNA. Yet, to know ones flesh and blood is growing up a the child of strangers who are not her parents is not something anyone can overlook and accept as fait accompli. These parents were not able to and rightly so. Perhaps the only silver lining in this whole fiasco can be that the two children are loved by two adults who are not their parents, one of whom carried them in her womb for nine months.