The 55+ crowd is now being called the problem generation because they are acting young and reckless. This article explores the ways in which they are out of control. fortified with many numbers and statistics. While all of that may be true, the story does not delve much into what might be driving such behavior in this population segment. I have a problem with how the author concludes their piece:
For most of the post-war period crime, alcoholism, drugs and pregnancy were all rising among the young. And then at some point it stopped. The generations now ageing disgracefully were disgraceful in youth, and in middle age. If they’re behaving badly now, there is really not much to be done about it. If they choose to frolic at toga parties, no one will stop them. Except, ultimately, time
There are a lot of folks in that problematic age bracket who had to work incredibly hard to stay employed in a whimsical and capricious labor market, provide for their kids, get them to college all while being trapped in loveless marriage with a partner who was similarly trying to do their best. They dug in and completed the job - the house is paid off, there is a retirement nest egg, the kids are college-educated and on their way to independence and gainful employment. It should be noted that most of the said kids don't have a plan as far as starting their own families and becoming parents themselves - they have chosen to extend adulting into their 40s to avoid any serious decision making. One could argue that is a far more problematic situation for society at large.
Under the circumstances, 55+ couple has no strong binding force left to keep their difficult, fractious union together - no common goals or responsibilities, nothing to pull together for. It is not surprising that they want to get another (and possibly the last) shot at living life in whatever "irresponsible" way that they see fit. To call them a disgraceful bunch from start to end is quite shallow.