A friend sent me a link to this press-release recently. As a small business owner who struggles to stay afloat fighting uneven cashflow every day, this would be R's dream come true to have an team of AI employees do everything that needs to get done and she would not have to keep anyone on payroll. The claims are quite monumental if not impossible but the premise is interesting. If this became realistic at some point, R would only need string a workflow together that defined how these different bots would work together to further the cause of her business. Her role could be limited to running checks to make sure things were getting done as expected.
There is the scenario where she scaled her business using bots but still had a team of experts to verify the work the bot was doing - a force multiplier for her business and workforce. In effect R could operate like a 50 or 500 person company with 5 real employees. If all of this works, a lot of folks could reasonably jump into solo-entrepreneurship because they would operate alone to begin and not need to deal with the complexities of maintaining a workforce when business is uneven at best.
Someone who wants to try a side hustle to see if it had enough juice to warrant them quitting their day job, they can begin this way - test out the concept without taking on any risk. I love any and all innovations that set people with good ideas free to work for themselves, create the job and the company they dreamed of working at. So while I am skeptical about the claims, I love the general trajectory of it.