This must have been the second or the third time since she was born that I have gone toy shopping for J. Given the wide assortment she has access to at daycare, the challenge of finding something that piques her interest is considerable. She was excited about buying a toy and turned into a very confused consumer once in the store. Toys start to collect in the shopping cart at an alarming rate even when she knows that we will be getting only one.
Even after all the effort that goes into making the final choice, chances are she will have no interest in it once we get home. This despite the fact that J has about one percent of the toys a kid her age typically has. I wonder how kids who already have plenty fare at toy shopping and how long their new acquisition sustains their interest.
Having a toy library would be a great way to bring the magnificent variety without breaking the bank. Too bad there is not one anywhere near me.
Wonder if toy manufacturers will like it though - less impulse purchases by parents :-)