I must be coming down with a bout of doctor related deja vu - second post in a row on related topics. Anyone who has had to battle rush hour traffic to make a doctor's appointment only to have to wait a whole hour in the lobby and come back the next day for some test that can take place only on Tuesday afternoons will appreciate the mobile dental services. Younger people who are in good health and have better things to do with their time neglect preventative care simply because the system makes things so difficult.
Back in the day the family physicians made house-calls. They should do that more and come to office parking lots, shopping malls or any other place where large numbers of people can be found, hawk their wares and see how many takers there are for annual physicals on the buy one, get one free special.
If they digitized their prehistoric offices a little and carried WiFi enabled tablet notebooks fitted with USB credit card readers we could collectively dispense with the services of disgruntled office staff that are the bane of most doctors' offices and live to be healthier, fitter possibly happier consumers healthcare services.
Back in the day the family physicians made house-calls. They should do that more and come to office parking lots, shopping malls or any other place where large numbers of people can be found, hawk their wares and see how many takers there are for annual physicals on the buy one, get one free special.
If they digitized their prehistoric offices a little and carried WiFi enabled tablet notebooks fitted with USB credit card readers we could collectively dispense with the services of disgruntled office staff that are the bane of most doctors' offices and live to be healthier, fitter possibly happier consumers healthcare services.