I'd love to have an iPhone but don't have one and so though I know there are plenty of them, I don't keep up with the latest iPhone Apps. But reading about Carticipate makes me consider the rapidly growing divide between those who have an iPhone and those that don't. Unless we switch our cellphones, folks like me will be left behind in the dark side while the rest have access to a whole new world on a slick little touch screen device and it will make all the difference.
This is clearly a device that has as much (if not more) cultural impact as it does on technology. Upgrading to a smartphone (iPhone or otherwise) will increasingly not be about choice - clinging on to the plain old cell phone in this day and age is the equivalent of using DOS in the new millennium.
This is clearly a device that has as much (if not more) cultural impact as it does on technology. Upgrading to a smartphone (iPhone or otherwise) will increasingly not be about choice - clinging on to the plain old cell phone in this day and age is the equivalent of using DOS in the new millennium.
We will be announcing other platforms soon, but you are correct that the iPhone and platforms like it will allow new ways for people to interact. Carticipation, we hope, will be an example of such new user behavior.
-member of Carticipate team