Sometimes in life, the deepest friendships can be challenged by alignment in values. Do you believe in the the other's cause or mission and reciprocally do they in yours? Some of us pursue what we value or hold dear with more doggedness than the others; yet there is always a line in the sand that defines our un-breachable limit. In a friendship, it is possible to arrive at that line and wonder where to from here. You find that you do not share some very important values and even alignment to them is fractious.
So you need to determine how best you support each other across the chasm that cannot be crossed. If just love, affection and care is enough to make up for what does not exist. You become aware of how different you are at a human level from this person you care about very deeply. I had this very experience recently and had to ask myself what defined the essence of us- the part where it is possible to love and care so easily or the one where we confront the other's line in the sand and recognize it is as far as we can go together.