The time are strange and it leads us to do the unexpected. In my case, the random thing I decided to do was to improve my penmanship. Since the early 90s my writing has been in a steady decline. As the levels of stress and uncertainty peaked in my life, it slope downwards only hastened to that point that I cannot write more than few words in a row before it turning into unreadable chaos. Over the last few weeks, looking over notes that I have taken during the day's meetings, it occurred to me that my writing (if it can be still called that) needed intervention. I wanted to fountain pain to return to the time when my writing was actually nice.
So the pen arrived in the mail today and once I started writing with it, it felt like the life I had been missing all these years in the act of flowing words out of fingers had finally returned. This is the thing that was missing the whole time. I intend to take notes at work with this pen and the hope is in a few months I may regain some of the skill I once had. I also imagine that being able to restore my hand-writing will have a positive effect on my mental state, the way I process thoughts and feelings. If I kept up with this in time, I may even be a better version of myself as a human being. If a fountain pen can make life whole again, remains to be seen. But these are strange and difficult times. Without hope and dreams to cling on to, it would be impossible.