I never had much patience for make-up and now with being at home all the time, the need of any has disappeared. Some women I work with started strong in the early days of the quarantine. They put in the time and effort to look right on Zoom. I did way less but but atleast tried. Over the weeks, just about everyone started to relax about it. Women are showing up on Zoom in clothes, I would never expect them to wear to work. Just stuff out of their wardrobe that could be dated or perhaps not comfortable to wear at work all day. These clothes are now all coming out of the wood-work. I have taken to wearing bright colors that I don't wear to work.
My own work dress code has been normal and boring - absolutely nothing about it would remotely stand-out. The more blend-in the look the better has always been my goal. In the time of Zoom, I have deviated a bit from that - now I do like a brightly patterned top to break up the monotony of days that bleed to weeks. There is no dress-code for such times as we find ourselves in, though people are writing about the topic, reporting from the field and such. It comes as no surprise that make-up sales are declining. Women I know are taking the lazy route of using the Touch-up my appearance on Zoom. Personally, I have found that quite workable. I am sure there will be good make-up filters on Zoom over time,