Watched this nice short about the healing power of swimming in the wild. It's unclear what events lead the narrator being so badly burned out but the story is not uncommon. There comes a point in the life of many of us when we can no longer answer why we continue to do what we do when it bring no happiness. The children do grow up, the needs of a person shrink so that they can make do with less, retirement can become reality if its not turned into a ever moving goal-post. As as Laura says in the movie:
So I was waiting for a day that might never come — when you retire or when you’re thin enough or when the kids have grown up — and there was a sudden realization that that day might never come.
Wise words. And those who realize the truth in in them decide not to burn up what is left of their life doing things that don't matter to their heart and soul. Lucky are those who can snap out their ingrained habits, fear of change and the unknown. Take that plunge to their version of wild water and come out more human on the other end.