The last few weeks, I have been in the zone working with a client helping them re-imagine customer experience. Its one of those time when you feel you are helping make meaningful change using skills learned over a long time. In a metrics driven organization, collaboration between the well-intentioned and like-minded is not a given. The person whose advise I need may not at all be goaled for advising me at all even though that's what they would love to do.
So while the pieces of work people are goaled for come through beautifully, the collective effort can be far from stellar because the metrics of all those who need to come together don't quite line up as they should. Reading this story brought to mind my own experiences being measured by formulas that are not rooted in reality. They do not reflect how people work, thrive and excel and so also with clients who are measuring things that don't yield the right outcomes.
the logic driving newsroom metrics aims to maximize profits by extracting greater productivity from news workers and greater commercial value from the content they produce.
The idea that something like journalism could be measured in so many units of labor is already a bad situation. But metrics to measure makes it that much worse
news metrics serve as a “form of labor discipline that shapes both the organization and lived experience of journalistic work under capitalism.”