Read this beautiful quote in Questions For The Dalai Lama:
Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other
The idea is so versatile - it can span from an intimate partner relationship to that of your friendship with the reclusive neighbor you see only occasionally. The word "love" would have different scope, range and intensity in each context as would the word "need" but the idea is applicable universally. Just reading that line made me want to evaluate relationships I have with people in through that lens. In many instances need exceeded love for me or the other person. No surprise that those relationships are frayed, strained or dissolved at this point in my life.
The word "best" can ne applied in context too - its not the one best relationship of your life but almost best in class - the best friend, the co-worker you like the most, the boss you admire the most and so on. In relationships the quote applies quite literally when considering relationships that failed or were unhappy and dissatisfying compared to the one that brings peace and tranquility - that is the one where love well exceeded need.