Interesting read on why some people are mosquito magnets (like me). Having a higher metabolic rate leading to greater production of carbon dioxide seems to the big factor. From what I can recall of my childhood in my grand parents' house where there was the greatest abundance of mosquitoes, the kids were more impacted than the elderly. My grandmother's physical activities were confined to cooking a few dishes and supervising the domestic help on the rest. Once those chores were done she was mostly stationary and not attacked by mosquito swarms like us kids were.
The human mosquito magnets you can spot at summer parties may have a genetically high metabolic rate or may be more physically active than other attendees. They may also be undertaking other activities that increase their metabolic rate, such as the consumption of alcohol. Increased metabolic rate is why runners attract more mosquitoes during their cooldown stretching exercises. Pregnant women, perhaps due to their increased metabolic rate, attract a disproportionately large number of mosquitoes as well.
Some forms of magnetism may be good and welcome but being a mosquito and bug favorite is absolutely not specially when you really enjoy being outdoors and this becomes a significant barrier