The stories that come out of Twitter generally give pause these days but selling office plants to employees for cash is a new level of creative. Given that Meta is such a faithful follower mimicking the subscription service and such, would not be out of the realm to see office plants there being up for sale - maybe they will throw in the furniture as well. People can bring their own to work (add some bedding for good measure) so they can stay devoted to making money for the company every waking hour.
Seems like the logical next step. Just get a big empty space where the laborers can keep working until they drop. If the tech companies execute well enough on downgrading the employee experience, time will come when the food services and hospitality industry jobs will start to look quite attractive. Meta's move to demote was an interesting one and seems like Google borrowed a page or two from that playbook which gives everyone else in the business to say no to promotions and raises - people should just be grateful to be employed. Musk deserves credit for doing things that others would not dare to do but will gladly follow in his footsteps - like the many rats behind the Pied Piper. Thanks to him, Twitter has turned into the canary in the coal-mine of Big Tech.