Interesting disclaimer of Bard "Your conversations are processed by human reviewers to improve the technologies powering Bard. Don’t enter anything you wouldn’t want reviewed or used.". Makes you wonder what in fact you could use the thing for and also conjures up a vision of a million human being working backstage coming up with answers to your questions. The disclaimer broadly extends to our use of any online service that is free and/or ad-supported. So no particular reason to take pause because it was clearly highlighted in the case of Bard.
Following instructions, I turned activity off so the human intervention would stop going forward. Keeping the disclaimer in mind all the same, I decided to get a ciabatta recipe since that was on my to-do anyway. Comparing an actual recipe with what the AI had produced was interesting. Bard had produced the right list of ingredients but the process steps (though the right ones) were all out of order and the details were completely delusional. It was amazing how basic search could lead me to a no-fail recipe in a heartbeat whereas the AI would have me setup for guaranteed failure. Maybe those Mechanical Turks do need to read my question and mull it over for better outcomes for everyone else after me.